5 Essential Tips to Prepare a Child for Walt Disney World

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You can do a lot to preserve your sanity while on vacation if you properly prepare a child for Walt Disney World. Here are 5 tips to help kids get ready for their first trip to Disney.

Introducing your children to Disney for the first time is such an amazing experience. But it's not without some bumps in the road.

You can preserve your sanity while on vacation if you properly prep a child for Walt Disney World.

Here are five great tips on how to do just that.

dumbo ride with matterhorn in background

Tips to Prepare a Child for Walt Disney World

Watch the Movies

One important way to prep a child for Walt Disney World is to introduce them to the classic Disney movies.

Your kid may already be the biggest Disney fan, but it never hurts to brush up. Classic Pixar films and Star Wars are also great.

star wars stormtroopers at disney world

Marvel movies are less important. Of course, the big ones are Walt Disney productions.

Both animated and live-action films tie in with the characters and environments you'll see in the parks.

Include them in the Vacation Planning

A big tip on making sure the vacation is as enjoyable as possible is that expectations for the trip are set up well.

That means that everybody knows what they are expected to do, how they should behave, etc. It also means cluing kids into what your daily itinerary will look like.

Letting them take part in some of the planning is a great idea, too.

Part of the joy of taking kids to Walt Disney World is seeing it through their eyes, so letting them pick a few things of their own can be really rewarding and full of picture-worthy moments.

Show them the Maps

The Walt Disney World Maps are exciting and fun for kids to look at and play with. They can get to know each of the theme parks at Walt Disney World by studying the maps.

It's also an easy way to locate the things they want to do most and plan an efficient way to do as many of those things as possible.

Maps can be a toy or a tool, or both depending on how you want to use them when planning your Walt Disney World vacation.

Either way, they will help you prep a child for Walt Disney World effortlessly.

Get them new Luggage

You can also prep a child for Walt Disney World by buying them new luggage for the trip.

This is a really great thing to do for a first Walt Disney World vacation. You can include the essentials for a great Disney trip as well as a few extras like Mouse Ears, autograph books, Disney pens, etc.

Giving them their own luggage is a great way to get kids excited for their first big trip.

You can even buy them luggage with Disney characters on them to get them super excited!

If the budget is tight, trying using some of our best tips for making your Disney World trip more affordable.

Take them Outside

Another really important way to prep a child for Walt Disney World, especially if they have never been there before, is to take them out a lot.

Getting outdoors for a lot of walking activity is crucial for setting the right expectations for your kids of how active a trip to Disney actually is.

Walt Disney World theme parks are very large and involve a lot of walking.

Plus, everything in Walt Disney World is spaced so far apart. There is so much land.

Proper exercise before the big trip will get them primed for the fun and allow them to do more without tiring too easily.

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