
Family Camping Safety Tips You Don’t Want to Miss

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Camping is a great way to get out during the warmer weather and have fun without spending as much as other vacation options. Camping can also be a great time to bond but it can also bit rough from time to time. Emergencies happen and when they happen in the woods it can become an issue. By being prepared you can keep your family safe and enjoy your camping trip prepared for the worst.

Family Camping Safety Tips You Don't Want to Miss

Family Camping Safety Tips You Don't Want to Miss

Complete First Aid Kit

Many families think to pack the basic Neosporin and bandaids but your first aid kit should be so much more. Items to pack include Quikclot, Benadryl, calamine lotion, and larger bandages.

It is best to not be caught off guard on your camping trip. There are also several essential oils you can include in your first aid kit that have multiple uses.


Related: Camping Memory Match Game


Weather Alert Radio

A weather alert radio can save lives in the case of a strong storm hitting. Take one with you and keep it handy. If storm clouds start moving in flip it on and check to be sure your camping trip is safe or if you need to be quickly heading to a shelter.

When planning your camping trip it is always best to know where the nearest shelter just in case.

Related: Our Roaming Hearts Camping Calendar

Smart Storage

Get creative with your storage. When camping you have to plan ahead with smart storage. Great tricks you will find are things like storing the toilet paper in a coffee can to keep it clean and dry. In fact old coffee cans can be used to store nearly anything airtight.

Ziplocks are your best friend. Get a nice variety of sizes so you can store everything from your phone to your clothes safe and dry. First aid items need to keep kept dry and sterile.

It is important to keep your food sealed in a cooler or storage bin to ward off animals venturing into your camping area.


Related: How to Find the Best Free Camping Sites & Free RV Camping


Waterproof Camera

Invest in a waterproof camera. Nothing beats getting the best shots that will preserve your memories for life. A waterproof camera can go on any adventure you do so you never miss an adventure.

If you do not want to buy a camera look for a waterproof case for your smartphone that turns it into an underwater camera. Canoeing? Bring your camera. Hiking in the rain? Bring the camera.

To keep your family safe take a photo of everyone at the start of each day. Then you will have an up to date photo should someone get lost.



Plan Meals Ahead

Plan meals ahead and don't include fishing in your meal plan. Things happen and sometimes the fish don't bite, so plan ahead for each meal you will need.

Freeze everything you can so your food can act as it's own ice pack. This time of year it's not too hard to find dry ice to keep your food cold longer.

Then if you do catch some fish you will have food for when you get home! Nothing ruins a trip like empty bellies.


Entertainment for Kids

Prepare to entertain the kids. You never know if plans will change or weather will keep you hiding in the tents or camper.

Plan ahead for this by packing books, board games, and other busy activities that will keep kids from going stir crazy.

Extra flashlights and batteries come in handy for this as well. For an extra bit of fun grab some glow sticks. Keeping the kids occupied keeps them safe and out of trouble.


Use the buddy system

To keep every member of your group safe pair everyone up when leaving the base area of the camp. The buddy system is really the best way to prevent anyone from getting lost and if someone gets hurt they have someone to help keep the situation under control and seek help.

If possible groups of 3 are better than two.

What other safety tips do you have? let us know in the comments below!

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